Five placements to choose from:
- English and Leadership Day Camp
- Civic Leadership and Governance
- Career Development and International Relations
- Environment and Eco-Tourism
- Reproductive and Public Health
Still in recovery from brutal civil war and genocide, Cambodia is working to rebuild its culture, social institutions and economy. From 1975-1979, the Khmer Rouge empire instituted a reign of destruction in an attempt to build a classless, agrarian society. Under the leadership of Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge abolished money, religion and traditional Khmer culture, while purging the country of intellectuals, non-Khmer minorities and other social groups. During this time, nearly two million people are estimated to have lost their lives.

Though the people of Cambodia have shown remarkable resilience through this dark period, Cambodian society still struggles in its efforts to both recover and grow. To help aid Cambodians in this period of recovery, GSC has partnered with a local Cambodian organization working to empower youth and young adults to become engaged, peace-minded leaders to bring about much-needed social change in their communities and the country.

The Cambodia Community Development and Leadership Training Program provide volunteers a unique opportunity to help prepare Cambodian youth for active citizenship, leadership and community development work. Volunteer work will vary based on the needs of our partner, but some examples of the type of work volunteers generally engage in include:
- Working with partner staff to further develop existing or future community training and educational programs
- Planning and leading leadership training programs, possibly including life skills and self esteem, hygiene, first aid, family planning, and EQ (Emotional Intelligence) workshops
- Assisting with preparing program evaluation reports and/or grant proposals
- Working on the organization’s social media sites

The Community Development and Leadership Training Program is open year-round with start dates every month and programs ranging from 4-weeks to six-months, or longer.
To request more information, click Here
To apply for a program, click Here
To email GSC, click Here