Drop-in Cafe Conversation Clubs

View this => VIDEO Introduction to Drop-in Cafe Conversation Clubs

• Virtual informal gatherings of Ukrainian refugee and native English-speaking participants to connect and share friendship

• Each session consists of informal English conversations about topics of interest of participants in attendance

• Co-facilitated by various individuals, one or more Ukrainian English-speakers and one or more native English-speakers

• 60- to 90-minute Zoom gatherings at times listed below


• Tuesday at 19:00 UKR (Kyiv time)/12:00 US ET/9:00 US PT (beginning March 11 13:00 US ET/10:00 US PT) https://zoom.us/j/91366083947?pwd=dGhCSWJYdk5XbnhLbjhoYWFVZ0N1QT09 Meeting ID: 913 6608 3947 Passcode: 123321

• Wednesday at 19:00 UKR (Kyiv time)/12:00 US ET/9:00 US PT (beginning March 12 13:00 US ET/10:00 US PT) https://zoom.us/j/95254717113?pwd=ZGhVSWRqOFpJWndNczdyOFEwVlJwQT09 Meeting ID: 952 5471 7113 Passcode: 123321

• *Saturday at 17:00 UKR (Kyiv time)/10:00 US ET/7:00 US PT (beginning March 15 11:00 US ET/8:00 US PT) https://zoom.us/j/96811422384?pwd=UlIxZE1IMk1iVVY5cHplMGljK015Zz09 Meeting ID: 968 1142 2384 Passcode: 123321


Monday at 18:00 UKR (Kyiv time) 11:00 US ET 8:00 US PT (beginning March 10 12:00 US ET/9:00 US PT) https://zoom.us/j/7741381164?pwd=cHUrM0FQOEJmcjZiM3B5QTZSVEE2UT09

Saturday at 18:30 UKR (Kyiv time) 11:30 US ET 8:30 US PT (beginning March 15 12:30 US ET/9:30 US PT) https://zoom.us/j/7741381164?pwd=cHUrM0FQOEJmcjZiM3B5QTZSVEE2UT09

Participants can drop-in for any session and are welcome to invite friends

No prior registration required

No limit to numbers of participants

To participate as a co-facilitator contact: [email protected]